Comments on: Canadian Mortgage Rates Pull Back Ahead of Spring Market Canada’s Fastest Growing Real Estate News Source Mon, 10 Apr 2023 18:17:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Better Dwelling Mon, 10 Apr 2023 18:17:22 +0000 In reply to Nobody.

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By: Nobody Tue, 28 Mar 2023 14:18:52 +0000 “Note that reads “civil,” which means don’t act like jerks to each other. Still unclear? No name-calling, racism, or hate speech. Seriously, you’re adults – act like it.”
And why then my comments are consistently removed? There is nothing of what you have mentioned in my comments. Most probably my not liberal views make you uncomfortable.

By: nobody Tue, 28 Mar 2023 09:42:18 +0000 Those people think they can play with rates and it is going to solve all issues. They do not even try to really start working because they believe in pink pony of the market that is doing magical tricks via rates and other trickery. What about creating and implementing massive construction plans? Toronto for example is full of blocks of very old dilapidated houses who house little people, take a lot of space and look ugly. Whoever think that housing problem can be solved with more private housing or by laws allowing to turn private houses into rooming houses is definitely not doing right thinking. These whole areas should be gradually turned into modern high rise with everything within walking distance and broad roads blocks of modern building with enough space in each apartment to rise families with kids. Owners of the houses that has to go would get their own new apartments in these buildings. Constructing houses further and further from Toronto is also not going to solve the problem. How far it is going to go?

By: Chris Tue, 28 Mar 2023 02:32:33 +0000 This article seriously undermines the credibility of this website.
“5-term fell 0.05 points to 5.81%”, that means they went from 5.86 to 5.81. This is a rounding error, worth dollars on a million dollar mortgage. And yet the author predicts a flood of cheap money. “an influx of cheap credit?” This is a classical FOMO mongering.

By: Tom Papp Mon, 27 Mar 2023 20:34:35 +0000 Your website is quite informative but the main event is that the Canadian money supply growth rate has been declining re: in deflation mode (NEGATIVE) since Aug. 2022.
The meaning of negative money supply is that the credit markets are extremely tight since the summer of 2022. Furthermore, given that the money supply is negative the banks do not have the elasticity to provide mortgages ad infinitum. Therefore, whether interest rates decline somewhat from current levels, it won’t be enough for potential buyers with minimum down payments to buy a home as esily as 2020-2021. Add to the mix the coming recession and the recipe for real estate is for prices to decline further.
The period from 1980 until 2021 marked the secular decline in market interest rates (bond yields) and the rise in bond prices.
It looks very likely that market interest rates are now immersed potential in a multi-year advance, hence, the multi-year decline in bond prices (already started) and eventually the rise in bank interest rates and mortgage rates.

By: Ray Mon, 27 Mar 2023 19:58:04 +0000 Guess what properties still not affordable 🙂
