Comments on: Canadian Mortgage Credit Remains Flat Despite Rising Home Prices Canada’s Fastest Growing Real Estate News Source Fri, 21 Apr 2023 13:05:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: David Manchester Fri, 21 Apr 2023 13:05:10 +0000 But check out the February, March seasonal increases in home sales every year… this is the strongest time of the year for real estate historically in Canada. The seasonal increase can still happen in a gradual bear market. The fundamentals in Canadian real estate demand do not support ongoing price growth to the end of Spring or into the Summer. Not to mention the Canadian banks supporting investors and end-users of shelter alike with unprecedented amortization extensions and negative amortization. 30 % of Canadian residential mortgages have been underwater for months. Banks decide if they let people default in this case, and they collectively decided not to allow that on their books. I think they hope for a pivot to rates just like investors. They hope something else in the economy breaks first and badly enough to save them before anyone notices the garbage loans they are holding.

By: David Manchester Fri, 21 Apr 2023 13:04:45 +0000 In reply to Lost in wonder.

But check out the February, March seasonal increases in home sales every year… this is the strongest time of the year for real estate historically in Canada. The seasonal increase can still happen in a gradual bear market. The fundamentals in Canadian real estate demand do not support ongoing price growth to the end of Spring or into the Summer. Not to mention the Canadian banks supporting investors and end-users of shelter alike with unprecedented amortization extensions and negative amortization. 30 % of Canadian residential mortgages have been underwater for months. Banks decide if they let people default in this case, and they collectively decided not to allow that on their books. I think they hope for a pivot to rates just like investors. They hope something else in the economy breaks first and badly enough to save them before anyone notices the garbage loans they are holding.

By: Sophie Forrester Fri, 21 Apr 2023 12:07:22 +0000 In reply to Randy.

My understanding is that the great majority of mortgages aren’t renewing until 2025, so not sure how much of an impact renewal will have this year.

By: Lost in wonder Wed, 19 Apr 2023 23:55:56 +0000 In reply to Randy.

So far houses are selling for well over asking in the GTA and outside of the GTA – ever since Easter it is like spring housing fever all over again. It is nauseating. Even HouseSigma estimates have “suddenly” risen, making me question the legitimacy of sites like HouseSigma that give exuberant estimates for listed houses that once sold, drop like a thud in value a few months later when HouseSigma posts a new estimate. Listing agents are pulling all sorts of scams – sigh – will they ever learn to do an honest job? Ontario’s housing market is shady business.

By: Randy Wed, 19 Apr 2023 22:22:27 +0000 I think everyone is waiting for renewal season, the next four months of higher rate renewals May flip everything on its head ? Going from a locked in low rate to a 6% … ouch ! Then there are those unsecured credit lines with interest rates 11 to 22% for the final blow.

Yes indeed, May,June,July will be very interesting indeed.
