Comments on: Canadian Real Estate Prices Expected To Drop 24%, Can Crash 40%: Oxford Economics Canada’s Fastest Growing Real Estate News Source Fri, 25 Mar 2022 12:43:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dennis_K Fri, 25 Mar 2022 12:43:04 +0000 In reply to Dennis_K.

And even if the necessary price retrenchment does occur, the unfortunate thing is that only the top 2 quintiles of the working populace came out ‘ahead’ during the pandemic (see BD article from January 22, 2022), so those households are in a much better position to ‘scoop up’ properties that become available due to sales forced upon owners by changed financial circumstances. I would assume that the former households therefore have more leverage to acquire residential properties, than those who are in weaker financial positions who actually ‘need’ appropriate housing. And that doesn’t even include those households with access to liquidity from illegitimate or foreign sources.

I think only in the case where laws change, which clearly prioritize single-family residential real estate as housing for resident citizens first, and as a commodity last, could we see a market that actually reflects both housing needs and the local ability to pay.

By: Bogdanoff Thu, 24 Mar 2022 19:23:23 +0000 In reply to M W.

freeland: Master! They went all in.
bogdanoff: Dump it!

By: Bob Thu, 24 Mar 2022 19:19:55 +0000 In reply to M W.

I hope the gov continue manipulating the market and Canadian functional idiots continue buying into that. It will be EPIC!

By: Dennis_K Wed, 23 Mar 2022 18:26:26 +0000 As much as I’d like to see home prices decline back down to the realm of median affordability (i.e. 3-5x’s median gross incomes), if for no other reason that I personally have been badly affected by this 20-year-long pricing circus, sadly I have my doubts that such a retrenchment in prices would happen. The reason being that the conditions that have led to pricing exacerbations (over the past 20 years) haven’t been addressed – and no, it doesn’t have anything to do with supply.

In my view, it has to do with the presence of excess liquidity and non-essential buyers in the marketplace;

– excess liquidity: easy / cheap credit, bank of mom & dad, any capital unrelated to working (& paying taxes) in Canada, and laundered money as well as tax avoidance schemes;
– non-essential buyers: speculators, reno-flips, ‘investors’, corporate entities, ‘trusts’ and people using real estate to hide money – anyone who doesn’t live and work here, and also doesn’t need a principal residence.

Non-essential buyers simply add to the apparent ‘demand’, and don’t reflect the actual need for principal housing. Excess liquidity simply allows sellers to demand more, well, simply because more is available.

Further, no changes have been introduced that enforce appropriate accountability upon the real estate profession (at least in Ontario) relative to their compensation structure (or at least a compensation structure that appropriately reflects whatever value-add and liability said services provide). It’s still heavily commission-based (including split-commissions), where all parties have every incentive possible to work against those who have most at stake: the buyers.

And with the federal government’s proposed immigration targets (~400k / year for next 3 years), plus outstanding Afgani refugees (~32,000 as of mid-February 2022), plus an ‘unlimited’ amount of Ukranian refugees (for what is described for now on a 2-year temporary basis), this will certainly add to the physical demand for housing. Alone, this won’t cause prices to increase, but in conjunction with whatever newcomers’ ability to pay is (i.e. legitimate income, savings, illegitimate income, easy credit, etc.), it certainly can.

By: Marc Halioua Wed, 23 Mar 2022 14:28:30 +0000 In reply to Rick.

100% RIGHT but this site is always doom and gloom

By: John Wed, 23 Mar 2022 13:33:14 +0000 Yes .. but it’s not the banks that are flooding the country with liquidity. They just pass on what the BOC is doing. And the BOC is just passing on what the government is pressuring it to do. So in the end it is the government that is pumping the country with liquidity and driving up house prices and historically low real interest rates. So if there is a collapse, there is one place and one place only that will have to take responsibility .. the current government.

By: KP Wed, 23 Mar 2022 13:26:21 +0000 In reply to Rick.

The issue cause is a liquidity one masquerading as a supply one. Dry up the liquidity that the banks are flooding the country with and demand dries up. The supply issue is caused by investors buying and hoarding property. If you cut investors out of the equation, its likely that the supply issue resolves itself.

By: Jason Tue, 22 Mar 2022 17:54:41 +0000 In reply to John.

Nope, that was CMHC, the one Canadian government sponsored organization with all of their analysts who should have been able to project the trajectory of market, completely missed the mark, literally could not have been more wrong. How does that happen?

By: M W Tue, 22 Mar 2022 15:39:43 +0000 In reply to Mike Smith.

Why on earth are you replying to me? Where did I say “The Canadian real estate market…” in my comment? Did you mean to reply directly to the article and due to your no doubt late-stage arthritis replied to me instead? Or did your Alzheimers kick in and assume anybody would care about you chuckling to yourself?

By: Patiently Waiting Mon, 21 Mar 2022 15:34:49 +0000 In reply to Trader Jim.

Agreed. But try to tell a homeowner this and they think you’re nuts! It’s as though everyone was asleep May 2017 to Nov 2019. If you bought a home in May 2017 for $1.9M you could have purchased that same home six months later for $1.5M. If you were willing to wait till March of 2018 you could have purchased it for $1.38M.

That was a bubble and it did burst and there were many factors but mainly interest rates went from .5 % to 1.75% within 6 months.
