Comments on: Canada’s Largest Real Estate Regulator Is Eliminating “Customers,” and It’s A Big Deal Canada’s Fastest Growing Real Estate News Source Mon, 13 Dec 2021 19:02:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lorence Mon, 13 Dec 2021 19:02:11 +0000 This is a good thing and may be better than open bids, which may not help at all. Most people have no idea there is a difference when realtors say they will take them on as a “customer “ to save on commission. I’ve seen a listing realtor do this in front of me while talking to an unrepresented buyer at an open house. The buyer thought they were talking to someone helpful when the opposite was true.
I walked out the door and waited for this person to leave. Then I approached her and explained the difference and the importance of getting her own agent to strike a good deal.
Some agents are good but too many are compromised and buyers are at the mercy of this system that favours sellers interests over buyers. For first time buyers this is an especially big deal since they have no sale to offset gouging on the buy side.

By: Arkaa Mon, 13 Dec 2021 12:51:03 +0000 There are so many blog i read right know but any one of them satisfy me but this one is so informative blog …

By: Dennis_K Sun, 12 Dec 2021 23:48:50 +0000 Does anybody wonder why this ‘Customer’ and ‘Client’ differentiation was made in the first place? Was it done at the behest of the real estate industry itself? The terms have been around for what seems like forever (i.e. past 20 years or more), and certainly doesn’t seem mandated by regulation. Was it a deliberate attempt to circumvent the accountability that’s normally associated with ‘clients’?

And now that housing affordability is a ‘crisis’ and in the news (and also an election topic), is it simply easy for those that invented this distinction to simply drop the one that wasn’t all-that-nice in the first place, but conveniently provided an excuse for avoiding fiduciary responsibilities before (and that regular folk either couldn’t understand, or it wasn’t clearly explained to them)? Hmmm…… I wonder …….

By: Arthur Sun, 12 Dec 2021 23:00:45 +0000 Who is RECO reaching out to for feedback on rule changes? Real Estate Agencies?
Where can we send our personal suggestions?

By: V Sat, 11 Dec 2021 03:53:58 +0000 In reply to Vishal.

Hey my name is Vishal too. But I just go by V on here! Nice to meet you! I’M A PATEL

By: V Sat, 11 Dec 2021 03:52:49 +0000 So does this mean Realtors will stop ripping people off and disclose when there’s stop work orders on a property?
What ever you do, don’t do a deal with Eddie Donan, he doesn’t disclose anything!
And if you think your not going to have to pay taxes because its “inclusive of taxes” like Century 21 agent told me …think again, the head office will charge you 13%. To many scam artist realtors out there. They need to make everyone a client, I agree. These shady realtors have too much power. Some of them are straight up SCUM!

By: Vishal Sat, 11 Dec 2021 01:40:36 +0000 I wonder how many people don’t realize they negotiated a “lower” commission, and weren’t actually being represented like they thought they were.
