Comments on: It’s Official. Canada’s Largest Real Estate Board Is Building A For-Profit Company Canada’s Fastest Growing Real Estate News Source Mon, 22 Nov 2021 06:03:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: questions guy Mon, 22 Nov 2021 06:03:18 +0000 announcing this once in June and once now, after a formal complaint, is hardly ‘not paying attention’.

By: Vishal Patel Tue, 16 Nov 2021 22:16:09 +0000 These people are crooked to the core!

By: Dennis_K Tue, 16 Nov 2021 04:57:37 +0000 I would be curious to know what ‘data’ (or more explicitly, ‘whose’ data) are they intending to monetize, exactly? To me, home data (location, size, features, price, property tax, etc.) is actually owned by the property owner, not the agent, brokerage or TREBB (or OREA for that matter). In my opinion, it’s like your medical information: it’s YOUR file, held in trust by a medical practitioner. The practitioner doesn’t own the information contained within it, and can’t do anything with it unless they have your express permission. And they certainly can’t monetize it either.

TREBB (or agents, brokerages, etc.) don’t actually add any value by holding property data in their databases, so why do they feel they can charge people for access? Again, and this is just my personal opinion, I don’t see agents / brokerages / TREBB providing much (if any) value for the fees charged, and certainly no accountability related to the results or consequences of services to provided to their clients. This idea of monetizing property information, that doesn’t belong to them, is just another example.

To me, if we really want to see ‘transparency’ in the real estate market, then property sales information (i.e. prices, dates of transaction, property tax, previous owners, etc.) should be made publicly available via municipal sources.
