Comments on: Most Canadians Still Couldn’t Buy A Home In Their City—It’s Not Even Close Canada’s Fastest Growing Real Estate News Source Sun, 13 Aug 2023 15:58:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ozy Sun, 13 Aug 2023 15:58:59 +0000 >NBF estimates this is more than double the median household income.
That’s right, “estimate”, because both statscan and the boc do not provide any financial data of the sorts. You have to guess and extrapolate. Meanwhile the federal reserve down south provides all of that for Americans, of course they fudged the numbers but it’s far better than what we have.

Most Canadians are poor, that’s my belief. The average income is actually well below $50k and the average household income probably $70k.

By: Benny Sun, 13 Aug 2023 10:50:00 +0000 Real estate investment by everyone and their dog is the problem with affordability. We don’t have enough homes for people to own multiple properties anymore.
Until rental units and air bnbs get sold off portfolios, nothing will happen.
We can’t build fast enough to hit targets to make home prices “affordable”

By: georgee Wed, 09 Aug 2023 23:15:21 +0000 Houses are not for Canadians. They are for blackrock and alike.

By: Daniel Joseph Babin Wed, 09 Aug 2023 19:03:33 +0000 Hmm, how do we take money out of the equation without taking any money out of the equation and still make housing affordable says the mortgage lender and bank manager and bylaw officer and building inspector and municipal planner and mortgage insurer.
Simple says the uneducated Mover.
Remove yourselves from the equation.
YOU are the problem not the solution.

By: Daniel Joseph Babin Wed, 09 Aug 2023 18:02:16 +0000 I am working on a pet project here in Ontario, Canada, asking All of the 444 municipalities about Affordable Alternative and Environmentally Friendly Housing Options. Out of the 100 responses received so far , All I am hearing is regulations, bylaws building codes and costs, over and over and over . If you want a straw bale home , pay for an engineering report done in Ontario, Rammed earth home , same, geodesic dome home, same. If You want to save a buck by building something you can afford that suits YOUR needs . forget it. It has to look good in the neighborhood too, go out and see what the surrounding people think of it was one response. Another did not even know what a dome home was, I guess Google is too hard to use. Yup, we put people like that in positions of authority ruling over our housing fate. Ontarios bill 23 was a bit of a start, but Of Course it only benefits those deep pocketed developers and mortgage lenders. I.E. Banks. I emailed the Brandy New Federal Minister In Charge Of CMHC and addressed some of those concerns mainly because affordable housing is at critical levels…so they say and I actually give a flying fiddlers duck….The sound of Crickets was the response I got. IMHO, that is all any of us are going to hear on the issue of Housing affordability in Canada for a long long time to come. You would think that in this day and age, having a roof over your head would be deemed a human right , just like clean water and electricity should be too. There is No problem housing thousands of migrants or Victims of Natural Disasters in tent cities in some countries. Just ask the Red Cross. The G7 Armies use geodesic domes in THE MOST inhospitable places on the planet like the Arctic and Antarctic but those forms of shelter are unacceptable for you and I, cause there just aint no MONEY to be had, and gee, we think that building is pretty ugly too , so no . Personally, I think we need to go back to caves and wayyy fewer rules. I for one, want to be the arbitor of my own fate, Mortgages and bears be damned.

By: Scott Wed, 09 Aug 2023 13:22:07 +0000 This is what happened when the previous Trudeau was in power. Not only are father and son financially illiterate, they are so self absorbed in creating their own legacy, they’re willing to sacrifice Canada and Canadians and our way of life…

By: SQ Tue, 08 Aug 2023 22:11:23 +0000 Between heavy taxes, inflation, rampant cost-of-living increases, sky-high costs for groceries, and an insanely over-priced housing market, it seems that this joke of a country has become nothing but a ponzi-scheme. Time for us young skilled professionals to leave and take our talents, and tax-dollars, elsewhere.
