Comments on: Canada Just Saw The Biggest Q4 For Residents Permanently Leaving Since The 1970s Canada’s Fastest Growing Real Estate News Source Fri, 01 Apr 2022 00:36:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Grace Lineman Fri, 01 Apr 2022 00:36:22 +0000 If I were young enough I would be out of here too, even though my family has been here for over 100 years. I am encouraging my children to leave what has become a banana republic dictatorship. One has and I hope the others will soon. Lament for what could have been a great nation.

By: Dale Thu, 31 Mar 2022 15:17:04 +0000 We left over a year ago because we foresaw restrictions to leave as unvaccinated and the pressure to be vaccinated in order to be part of society or to leave. Just in time as well on that item. Then there are the taxes in Canada that are becoming increasingly unreasonable so it was time to cut our losses before it’s too late and being that we have researched quite abit about the monetary system and how corrupt it is and how it is managed along with the US Federal Reserve- we could see a market collapse coming very soon especially with all the money printing.

By: Outta Here Thu, 31 Mar 2022 13:20:22 +0000 Wait till the border opens for the 20% who have been entrapped due to their personal choice… and when the rest of the 80% notice the big move.

Canada is like that ugly partner… it has nothing to offer, but you stuck around with them because they were nice. But they have since become very toxic and demanding and need to be cut out of your life while you still have some year left.

The weather fights you, the government fights you, taxes fight you, over competition fights you, the system fights you, the traffic fights you, the living cost fights you, the non-homogeneous culture fights you… there’s no sense of belonging, no comraderie, no class or honor. It’s not a family any more and it stand for nothing but predatory money making strategies fuelled by the hunger of new incomers. It’s a Wild West of non-Canadians feasting on the remaining resources of what was once a rich country. No one here has any respect for Canada – can’t respect a country that doesn’t respect itself. They’re here to make a quick buck, get the passport and move to the rest of the Western World and ravage the rest of the resources there. Schools are a joke. Hospitals dwell on 30 year old outdated protocols and refuse to look into anything new… and you do t have any other options, because they’re all co trolled by “regulators”… the list just doesn’t end!

Not worth living “beyond the wall” any more. I’ve already partially settled elsewhere where people shamelessly guard their culture and demographics, and I’m out for good before the end 2022. I’m giving up my 6 figures for a small town and easy life of no obstacles, but true friends and principled community where not everything has a dollar value.

By: Dictators seem to have that effect Wed, 30 Mar 2022 07:53:05 +0000 In reply to Scott.

Interestingly the last big spike in emigration was when Turdeau Senior was PM. Coincidence?

By: Nadnono Wed, 30 Mar 2022 03:25:00 +0000 we and many others left because of trudeau!!

an unopposed PM who imposes an experimental vaccine on the people, who sequesters people in the country, even though the vaccine is proven not to work

so staying in a country that is becoming totalitarian without the people saying anything, or almost nothing, no longer made us want to see our children grow up there after 10 years

we loved our life in AB but now we chose to get closer to our families

And it is only the government’s fault!
Because of trudeau but also the opposition who let it happen, and even supported it

By: Kraken Val Wed, 30 Mar 2022 00:25:21 +0000 In reply to george.

isn’t it persian empire there?

By: Robert Sansom Tue, 29 Mar 2022 13:44:27 +0000 Would be gone in a heart beat except for my grandkids.
Alberta or western separation would be the best of all possible worlds.

By: Another Jane Tue, 29 Mar 2022 06:37:12 +0000 In reply to Doomcouver.

Wow. Interesting statistics.
Gee, I wonder if there could be some sort of … government policy or, oh, I don’t know, limitations on activities or employment, that could be causing people to feel they need to leave…?

By: Tim Mon, 28 Mar 2022 23:02:45 +0000 Many Canadians are only here because they can’t get a USA or EU passport.
I have an EU passport and plan on retiring in Spain or Portugal like a king.

By: Gordon Keating Mon, 28 Mar 2022 22:26:19 +0000 In reply to Estevam.

The outgrowth in the last quarter was due to Trudeau telling un vaxed Canadians that they were locked down with no ability to get out if not jabbed. So prior to his Nov 30 deadline, many wealthy tax paying Canadians did what he asked. Why would you want to live in a country where the leader despises you and puts you down daily?
