Comments on: Canada Sees Violent Crime Surge To The Worst Level Since 2007 Canada’s Fastest Growing Real Estate News Source Sun, 13 Aug 2023 18:37:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robert Owen Sun, 13 Aug 2023 18:37:34 +0000 I live in Vancouver-ground zero for the fentanyl epidemic. We don’t have homeless people, we have addicts. To feed their habit the brazenly shoplift, steal cars and catalytic converters, camp on the streets to be close to their pushers and defaecate on the sidewalks. It’s not a pretty picture.

Unfortunately fentanyl is a step up from mild old heroin. Street addicts have found safe ways to use it so typical only recreational users die. Under our harm reduction programs, they are given free opioids but sell them to high school kids and recreational users for money to buy fentanyl. Unfortunately fentanyl causes psychosis hence an increased number of random stranger attacks. A few of note were an Irish tourist stabbed several times in the back whilst waiting to cross the street and a Mexican tourist stabbed and almost killed in a Tim Hortons- both had no idea who attacked them or why.

We are seeing a number of people arrested for breaking downtown $50,000 shop windows or assaulting people who have conviction records numbering in the hundreds. Unfortunately under current federal policy these people are released by the courts usually within 24 hours. Even the local police fear their lives and have refused to go to homeless (substance abuse) camps in numbers less than six heavily armed police. Another recent event occurred in Nanaimo when the shop owner victim of multiple thefts visited the local homeless camp with several friends to retrieve his stolen goods. He was shot numerous times but luckily survived.

Since most fentanyl originates from China and Vancouver is the closest North American port, this is something that is destined for all Canadian cities. It is cheap, very powerful and is used to enhance everything from cannabis to cocaine. The average street level addict cost each city about $200,000 per year in property damage, health costs and harm reduction.

Perhaps it is time to distinguish between homelessness and street living substance abuse, as both have different causes a different solutions. You can’t lump them together or you will never resolve the issue.

By: BCGuy Sun, 06 Aug 2023 07:14:07 +0000 The increase is insanely powerful drugs, the enabling of addiction and crime, and the multi-generational loss of good, disciplined parenting along with narcissist inducing social media are the reasons for the massive increase in crime.
The stats for crime are so out of whack because 90 percent of the petty stuff isn’t even recorded anymore. Retail theft for instance.

By: Patiently Waiting Wed, 02 Aug 2023 15:02:52 +0000 In reply to Jon Morbey.

Stop loss Jon. Stop loss!

By: Healthy growth Tue, 01 Aug 2023 17:23:38 +0000 A healthy growth is all we need, growth in housing, CPI, crime and may be hunger.

By: Jon Morbey Mon, 31 Jul 2023 20:59:34 +0000 Canada NEEDS to support house prices at all costs.

By: Mark Bayly Mon, 31 Jul 2023 19:59:35 +0000 Many young people are in the sex and drug trade to pay their outrageous rents They voted for Trudeau . That’s what happens when you vote for a trust fund multimillionaire that doesn’t care about money.
