Comments on: Canadian Real Estate Prices Are Growing Over 10x The Rate of Incomes Canada’s Fastest Growing Real Estate News Source Mon, 25 Apr 2022 07:04:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ike Mon, 25 Apr 2022 07:04:22 +0000 Reference :

By: Ike Mon, 25 Apr 2022 06:55:02 +0000 World Economic Forum stated

‘You will own nothing’

Yeah, this tracks.

By: Will relocate to the USA at all costs Sat, 23 Apr 2022 00:21:56 +0000 In reply to Agent bob.

They clearly will never stop it because they are financially profiting from this reputation. The population is one of the most complacent in the world with low social cohesion due to lack of a shared identity and culture, so the authorities will never be challenged. Look at how quickly people forgot about how the recent protests have been dealt with. There is no future for the youth here.

By: Agent bob Fri, 22 Apr 2022 13:49:34 +0000 With 1,400,000 million vacant homes in Canada its time to start taxing them much more. Give them one year to either sell or rent then tax them 50% of the homes value.
That will solve the vacant homes issue and put lots of supply back on the market.
We don’t need these money launderers and non residents hoarding all this supply in Canada.

By: Doug Fri, 22 Apr 2022 01:29:27 +0000 Once the point is reached, and it has, that all home owners bake the value of their house into their financial retirement plans, all of those people will oppose any government action to drive down the price of houses.

The only solution is to let the markets decide. Any politician who tells you that they can fix the problem is only courting votes.

By: Credit Guy Fri, 22 Apr 2022 01:25:23 +0000 In reply to Tito.

How generous of landlords to pay all of those things for their tenants and not pass it on.

My home’s worth about $2.2 million in Toronto and my mortgage is still $1,000/month. You’d have to be a clown to think paying $8k/month for my relatively modest home to buy into the worst paid tech hub in North America (TM).

By: Ruth McKeown Thu, 21 Apr 2022 14:14:27 +0000 Hello. I tried to subscribe for newsletter, but got the “Did not pass check” message 3 times.

By: Tito Wed, 20 Apr 2022 00:00:56 +0000 Cheaper my ass. Add utilities, taxes and maintenance and tell me again owning a home is cheaper than renting.

By: Gene Tue, 19 Apr 2022 22:15:31 +0000 I have been living in the states and Canada part time for over 33 years. We can tell when people will run out of money . If you put 400K down for a million dollar house and people can not continue to pay for it, then great, they are definitely going to be homeless. These homes are not officially owned by people which is the ridiculous part compared to many people in the states. The banks own them and will try to keep them empty. Does that sound like the place you want to live in Canada?

By: Rand Passmore Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:37:06 +0000 Residential real estate,especially in Canada,is in a huge bubble. Sooner or later it will pop. When that happens, it will cause some pain ,but in the longer run it will be better,more fair,and good for the economy. Some mitigation may be desirable but not too much.
