Comments on: Canadians Are Dumping Big Cities By The Tens of Thousands As Locals De-Urbanize Canada’s Fastest Growing Real Estate News Source Fri, 14 Jan 2022 19:24:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: vnm Fri, 14 Jan 2022 19:24:28 +0000 In reply to SH.

Those thankless kids, look at the veritable paradise Boomers have created for them to inherit.

By: vnm Fri, 14 Jan 2022 19:20:21 +0000 In reply to JT.

Exactly, medical insurance, driver’s license, car insurance … moving to QC for example, new residents actually have to demonstrate with grocery bills where they’ve been living, not saying where they’ve been living, provincial tax is done separately. While health should theoretically
work anywhere in the country, in Toronto many places no longer accept
QC health cards, because the Quebec government won’t reimuburse them.

By: Tom Wolfe Fri, 14 Jan 2022 16:10:22 +0000 In reply to JT.

No scam, they don’t drive. No DMV involved. Ontario residence, no change of doctors, had same doctor since birth. Entrepreneurial, no change of business address, still in Toronto. No one is the wiser. Not uncommon.

By: no to jabs Fri, 14 Jan 2022 13:43:37 +0000 In reply to Heather.

yhis is probably the reason why quebec has curfews to punish those that moved to rural quebec. haha good luck with the immigrants.

By: SH Fri, 14 Jan 2022 01:45:02 +0000 Sneering Boomer: “Stop complaining and MOVE”
Millennial: “Ok, sure thing” (packs bags)
Sneering Boomer: “That’s not what we meant! Get back here!”

By: JT Thu, 13 Jan 2022 21:36:17 +0000 In reply to Tom Wolfe.

They don’t use only census data. They use last census data plus information from the provinces. In Ontario the population estimates are provided by the Ministry of Finance. They would use a variety of inputs, health card information, drivers licenses, deaths, births, applications for government services and property tax information from MPAC.

In the example where you move to Quebec, you would be counted in Ontario when your health services are cancelled and added in Quebec when you are contributing to QPP or obtain a Quebec health card or when you obtain a Quebec drivers license. Obviously, there would be some communication between Quebec and Ontario when your drivers license information is verified. Of course, if you are scamming the system and not switching over your drivers license or health care it’s possible you were not counted.

By: Heather Thu, 13 Jan 2022 21:29:48 +0000 Tom may have a point about the government date being questionable. On the radio today, it was mentioned that the Feds don’t have current data on how climate change is going to affect different areas of Canada, ie. heat, rain, landslides, etc. Always reactive instead of proactive. Our governments at work for us.
I assume Victoria is getting crowded because a girlfriend who lives there said traffic is becoming more congested. I am in the Lower Mainland. I don’t go anywhere after 3:00 if at all possible, because the roads where I am are a parking lot. Maybe gov stats on traffic are more up-to-date? Probably not. Burnaby is building 20 high rises on 5 acres where residents will end up on two roads already congested.
And you are right about living in Canada. If you have to pay high prices, you might as well be in a warmer climate. That said, the Lower Mainland is not enchanting anymore. However, I like to be close to big libraries, major medical facilities, and other facilities (not malls). What to do, what to do.

By: Tom Wolfe Thu, 13 Jan 2022 19:37:15 +0000 I question the facts like ‘The biggest interprovincial outflows were in Winnipeg (-7,466), Toronto (-7,372), and Edmonton (-4,272).’

The census is taken every 5 years. The latest would allow a comparison of 2016 to 2021. That was a period of unprecedented change and not indicative of future change. We wont have another census until 2026. The CRA address record may be more responsive but with online services their data must be far less reliable than it was.

I offer my own facts – Mid 2021 my wife and I moved from Toronto to rural Ontario. Our adult son came with us. My other son and his wife moved from Toronto to Montreal in late 2021. Montreal has one less vacancy, and other than the landlord no one else is aware. Their Toronto place is intentionally vacant. No government body has tracked these changes – we are 5 Canadians who are not on any of the records referenced in the article and the number therefor -7372 for Toronto is unequivocally incorrect, and I expect by my much more than our 5.

With no fault to BD (love you guys) the information the government and other bodies use is worthless. Conclusions drawn from them are equally worthless. I think the numbers are used to justify someone else’s unknown agenda.

What can be done about it? I have no idea. But I, for one, am tired of being expected to believe that these ‘facts’ are in hand or remotely accurate.
