Comments on: Bank of Canada Is Watching Housing As It Becomes An Inflation Risk: BMO Canada’s Fastest Growing Real Estate News Source Sat, 26 Aug 2023 00:39:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Larry Sat, 26 Aug 2023 00:39:42 +0000 The old school belief that if it was built for .05 in the 60s it has to be replaced at current value is ridiculous.

No 80 year old home is new, most are not even in new condition. There should not be a new home price on an 80 year old one.

Few people update or even maintain their homes. You can drive any neighborhood in the GTA and find shingles missing, windows rotten, landscaping heaving, driveways cracked and front walks unsafe… yet there all a million bucks?

Oh wait… The green belt… Thanks Mr Ford. Now I will have affordable housing… oh they start at a million too up in Pickering. (Seaton) (Treasure Hill)

That’s not affordable at all Doug!!


By: Gordon Sylvester Fri, 25 Aug 2023 22:16:55 +0000 So the liberal/ndp government prints oodles of cash that drives up inflation, so the BOC raises interest rates to slow inflation causing mortgages to rise raising housing costs. Then the BOC says it may need to raise rates to stop the inflation if of housing costs.

I hope people remember this when the next election takes place. This is all government driven to bankrupt the middle class and poor.

By: Duddly-Do-Right Thu, 24 Aug 2023 15:58:29 +0000 In reply to Frank.

What does Tiff have to do with foreigners doing their dirty laundry in Canada and driving RE prices up? Stop blaming Tiff for what the government has turned a blind eye to and facilitated. Tiff is also NOT responsible for immigration and other scams that prop up RE prices.
If you have not noticed though, there are several countries of the once great West with the same fate as Canada – RE prices gone through the roof, interest rates down too long and now going up, citizens disregarded in favor of immigrants… there is a “pattern” to these events, not just a coincidence IMHO. All these countries are linked to the WEF and 2030 vision of a “New World”. All of these countries a few years back made daft claims that they “embrace” newcomers and the doors are open. None were ready for the influx (Netherlands, Germany, Oz, US, Canada, and several other EU countries, just to name a few). During the plandemick, it was as-if all of these countries were reading the same manual on how to screw their citizens over to implement the great plan.
NOTHING in life on the grander scale of things, is a coincidence, everything is well-orchestrated and thoroughly planned by our higher powers.

By: Nick Wed, 23 Aug 2023 13:22:44 +0000 I fail to understand how the bank of Canada calculates the inflation as nothing seems to be getting cheaper for Canadians. Gas, groceries, cars.. you name it and it has gone up in price. After the crazy rate increases the mortgage payments have gone way up for people with variable rate mortgages and will go up for the folks who will renew their fixed rate mortgages. The direct result of that is a huge increase in rents for all the people who are renting. A two bedroom basement suite is $2000 a month in and around Vancouver while the wages remain the same. This is squeezing everyone. The government should bring a better plan otherwise this country is not going to remain great anymore.

By: Frank Wed, 23 Aug 2023 02:28:14 +0000 Money laundering was easy through Canada’s housing market ,driving up prices, outbidding buyers ot backing off to cause prices to rise. The BOC changing goal posts at will ? Strip away mortgage interest costs and CPI would be at about 2.5% A never ending spiral has been created.. Tiff needs to be fired.

By: David Todtmsn Wed, 23 Aug 2023 00:35:59 +0000 The world is awash in debt. In all, personal, corporate, and government debt is more than 300 trillion. The spike in debt is historically unprecedented. Capitalism is on a knife edge on this. Actually, the edge was long ago passed. The working class mass is now cut deep and bleeding. The capitalist financiers–the ruling class–insist on being repaid. How long until the pitchforks come out. Already polls show that 30% of Canadian youth, 18-35, agree that communism is preferable capitalism. That is more than a million Canadian young people! Objective conditions are going to get worse. That’s what is driving these numbers.

By: Daniel Joseph Tue, 22 Aug 2023 23:32:26 +0000 The price of most goods can fluctuate that rapidly too, with a big surge followed by a pullback. When, pray tell have you seen prices pull back, Walmart rollbacks ? We now know why your eyes are brown.

By: Dennis_K Tue, 22 Aug 2023 22:47:19 +0000 Watching housing ‘becoming’ an inflation risk? You mean they don’t consider housing affordability a problem yet? What’s the threshold we need to cross before the BoC says its a problem?

I’m not sure how watching (or even measuring) the CPI really matters when it comes to housing affordability. Isn’t the differential between dollars earned, and dollars needed, the fundamental that we really need to pay attention to?

By: Marco Tue, 22 Aug 2023 19:20:43 +0000 We can say thank you to the dictator clown Trudeau for destroying this beautiful country.

By: Ray Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:04:37 +0000 Oh look the BOC is watching their intentional destruction. Clown world
🤡 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
