Comments on: This Week’s Top Stories: China’s Real Estate Spree Is Over, 3.1 Million US Mortgages Are Underwater, and Toronto is full of Rich Families Canada’s Fastest Growing Real Estate News Source Mon, 12 Jun 2017 16:08:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Juan Mon, 12 Jun 2017 16:08:39 +0000 I disagree. As a business owner who sells premium vehicles I and others see Canadians families earning over 150,000 having lifestyles that are beyond their earnings. Vacations, Auto Loans, these people love to live beyond their means. More money equals need to keep up with the jones. And even if they could afford a million dollar mortgage I just don’t see it as useful capital having it all going towards housing. How many jobs do the housing sector create ? compared to when these people go out and shop retail with this money ?
