Comments on: Toronto Real Estate Agents Are Losing Their S**t Over These Charts Canada’s Fastest Growing Real Estate News Source Wed, 05 Jul 2017 14:04:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: The Facts Behind Toronto’s Most Recent Real-Estate Frenzy – Today's News Wed, 05 Jul 2017 14:04:10 +0000 […] removed. Prices are still creeping up in Toronto, but at a smaller rate than they previously were. Meanwhile, listings are soaring as people try to exit. Toronto needs to continue building to prevent an actual housing crisis in the future, but if you […]

By: 7% of Toronto's homes are sold within a year of being purchased Fri, 16 Jun 2017 01:37:30 +0000 […] removed. Prices are still creeping up in Toronto, but at a smaller rate than they previously were. Meanwhile listings are soaring, as people try to exit. Toronto needs to continue building to prevent an actual housing crisis in the future, but if you […]

By: 4 Signs Toronto's Housing Bubble Has Started To Deflate - 1000 Islands Gananoque Chamber of Commerce1000 Islands Gananoque Chamber of Commerce Mon, 15 May 2017 17:50:07 +0000 […] It’s particularly pronounced in single-family homes. The number of those on sale soared by 50 per cent this April to its highest in at least five years, according to an analysis by Better Dwelling. […]

By: To G Singh Sun, 14 May 2017 19:32:22 +0000 G Singh, I find it funny you start your comment saying “there is an analysis that is made to support the result you want” then go on a rant that makes way less sense to support the result you want. hahah.

I also find it comical people like you like to compare Toronto as some sort of world class city like New york, Paris, London, hong kong, shanghai etc. not to mention this growing and developing you are talking about is actually not keeping up with the population growth, as the currency keeps loosing value. Our oil industry has taken a huge hit, Seems lumber is next due to our buddy Trump, and now its basically the housing market is the 1 trick pony keeping our economy going. And as for this development you speak of just compare the TTC transit map compared of our so called world class city to Paris, London, NYC etc. not to mention the TTC pass costs more than New york’s metro pass.

People in Toronto are drunk off the free easy money, its no different than a crazy party with an open bar. If you tune out your selective hearing on this topic you’ll notice people are starting to slur thier words, can’t walk straight and are about to get cut off. The Hang over is going to be epic when it comes.

By: Dave Sun, 14 May 2017 17:17:15 +0000 In reply to Garth.

I’m guessing you’re not a regular reader of this blog. The big difference between this site and Garth’s is Garth has been predicting a crash for 10 years. Other than this one author, I don’t think they’re predicted a “crash” in the market.

Most of the bearish opinions on this site have come from the horses mouth, the Bank of Canada, the Ministry of Finance, and even the FAO have done interviews here that I’ve read where they sound more bearish than Garth. Which says a lot, because these are the Government organizations that actually have the whole picture, not like Garth or even this author that can only infer through open public data sources.

By: Lahdeedah Sun, 14 May 2017 16:57:20 +0000 In reply to Garth.

I am wary of believing everything on a bear blog 100%. (I think you know which one I am referring to). Only because these predictions are still tinged by a human’s lived experience, and their internal biases. If someone is constantly pessimistic and wants to see everyone else fail or get screwed or sell them some kind of insurance for it, then yeah, they will write that prediction until they believe it themselves and try to convince others to believe it with them. Misery loves company, after all. Show me hard numbers that back up a bear call, and then maybe I will believe you. “The Big Short” was so great to watch because those people who were seeing and predicting the market crash were not necessarily pessimists; they were non partisan opportunists who had a deeper understanding of the financial market numbers than most people, and at the same time, they also didn’t drink the kool aid. Just because you’re a bear, it doesn’t make you right. Bear bloggers, like the rest of the public, are reactionary. As are the markets. It just depends on how aligned the sentiment is with the actual numbers.

By: Lahdeedah Sun, 14 May 2017 16:44:07 +0000 In reply to Rui.

I remember that effect of 1987, even though I was just 8 or 9 years old at the time. Its that same “damn, we got screwed…no more frills and big hair, back to basics” mentality/sentiment that made everything about “grunge” so fashionable. Art imitates life.

By: Lahdeedah Sun, 14 May 2017 16:41:05 +0000 In reply to Jen S..

Yup. Like the stock market. Its a classic pump and dump scenario. You get a nice stock with lots of hype behind it, unbelievable growth, and suddenly bad news starts coming out from all angles and it smells bad, so people start jumping ship and the price drops dramatically. Even in the 2008 crisis, people (including the institutions who went bankrupt) were in denial and those who did see the cracks in the foundation, and then subsequently saw the foundation actively crumbling, they made out nicely because they were not invested in an idea with no reality behind it.

By: Lahdeedah Sun, 14 May 2017 16:33:34 +0000 In reply to U Singh.

Lol, wicked burn, U Singh!

By: Lahdeedah Sun, 14 May 2017 16:28:18 +0000 In reply to Beh G..

Man, what a sucker.
