Comments on: One of Canada’s Largest Mortgage Lenders Just Imploded, Here’s What Happened Canada’s Fastest Growing Real Estate News Source Thu, 22 Jun 2017 13:21:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Warren Buffett's Berkshire Makes Home Capital Group An Offer They Can’t Refuse | Better Dwelling Thu, 22 Jun 2017 13:21:51 +0000 […] of Wall Street must be getting ready to party like it’s 1999. Home Capital Group (HCG), the mortgage lender that’s had a rough year, struck a deal to sell a significant stake to a division of Warren Buffett’s Berkshire […]

By: Justin Thyme Wed, 03 May 2017 01:56:24 +0000 There is no real impending disaster warning flags yet.

What matters now is how they restructure their debt. Essentially, the GIC’s that come due are the problem – billions of dollars. The run on deposits is small chump change compared to this. If they are not renewed, Home has to come up with the money to pay them out. If they call in mortgages, the mortgagees will be scrambling to find new mortgages – not a given that they will get them, but the money is available if the rates go high enough. Otherwise, lots of fire-sale opportunities as they put them on the market. If Home does not pay out on the GIC’s, they are essentially heading for receivership.

The big problem in the States was that the sub-prime mortgages were re-sold as paper backed securities, in order to come up with the money to re-finance and continue what was essentially a ponzi scheme. Home will probably put its mortgage portfolio up for sale, to try to stay afloat. This is the domino effect that compounded the problem, and that brought other financial institutions into the fold – the fact that these sub-prime mortgages were essentially worthless.

If this is just limited to Home, the damage is manageable by other players. Lots of money around to fill the gap, but mortgagees can expect higher ‘ransom’ rates. If these mortgagees have little equity, and cold feet, they may just walk away. But if no one else buys the paper, only Home is affected.

Still enough demand that the foreclosed homes can be sold in a normal market. However, if too many walk away at one time, and the houses are sold at typically lower liquidation prices, it could ripple through regular sale prices. It could be a good time to pick up fire-sale bargains.

By: Vangel Mon, 01 May 2017 15:09:32 +0000 In reply to David Simpson.

GICs are short-term instruments. Unless HGC has matched their mortgages with their financing, it could have problems. That said, it might be a blessing as the company could call in its maturing mortgages and get back the capital it lent out while the market is still hot. If management plays it right, it could be a survivor by avoiding the consequences when the market corrects.

By: Safe As Houses Sun, 30 Apr 2017 15:16:20 +0000 Good reporting here however it would be better with less bias and opinion. The comparison to the US housing crisis in 2007 is really not relevant. This situation is a loss of confidence in one purportedly corrupt lender and it’s business operations, not a trial on the Canadian housing market.

The question I have is what % of HCG’s existing loans are in good standing and reasonably anticipated to be paid off at maturity? That’s the most important part of this equation as the book value of their loan portfolio and cash (pre HOOPP announcement) minus liabilities approximates to 3x the value of the share price.

So basically either the loans are severely impaired and they’re not reporting it (are there any obvious cracks in the housing market where they are exposed?) or the share incredibly undervalued. The emergency loan should cover further depositor redemptions while they liquiditate the loan portfolio.

By: This Week’s Top Stories: One of Canada’s Largest Mortgage Lenders Is Imploding, Subprime Is Spreading In Toronto, and Canadians Are Taking On More Risky Debt | Better Dwelling Sun, 30 Apr 2017 14:30:05 +0000 […] Read More […]

By: Theopholus Sun, 30 Apr 2017 03:34:52 +0000 “Most people thought they were overselling problems at the company…until yesterday.”

LOL, just like 2008. New movie: the big Canadian short.

By: Theopholus Sun, 30 Apr 2017 03:33:22 +0000 In reply to David Simpson.

No, they don’t!

By: Rob Fri, 28 Apr 2017 03:15:10 +0000 In reply to Alice.

I agree, it’s not looking good for them. With a huge high interest loan, stocks falling and people losing faith in them it’ll be a struggle to turn it around before a total collapse.

By: Terry Khan Fri, 28 Apr 2017 02:44:33 +0000 This is foreshadowing what is to come. Canada has 1.4trillion in outstanding mortgages + 200billion Home Equity loans. This will turn out very nasty, 1.1trillion are from the big banks, 300 billion are from alternative lenders like HCG. My guess is Equitable Group, and Genworth will both collapse in similar fashion. The Canadian big banks have built up terrible lending practices, issuing far too many subprime loans. CIBC is giving out first mtgs, and HELOCs @ 65% house value, both with “no income verification”, and are giving 1.5% mtg teaser rates for 9 months. Essentially NINJA loans CAD style, we saw how that worked out south of the boarder. The 200 billion home equity loans is garbage, people do very fancy renos, buying high end cars, and blowing it on vacations. No risk of default on any of this stuff, cause house price in Canada only go up, right?

By: Paul Fri, 28 Apr 2017 02:34:03 +0000 That’s not a good a situation for the Canadian housing market 2 billion of second mortgage dept is = to about 3000 homes at 700k that means a lot more inventory prices will drop, I think we are in for a 35% drop its coming shorty cash out while you still can.
