Comments on: Canadian Real Estate Bubble May Crash Until 2025 As Indicator Flashes Warning Canada’s Fastest Growing Real Estate News Source Tue, 10 Jan 2023 23:01:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alex Tue, 10 Jan 2023 23:01:03 +0000 In reply to Bruno.

Immigration is so strong in fact, that we would never even be in this “correction” without government interference. The demand for homes is still very high, supply is nowhere near the demand, and the price drop is only the result of reduced affordability due to rate hikes. Too many, too soon.

By: John Grant Mon, 09 Jan 2023 04:00:08 +0000 Everyone knows real estate has nowhere to go but down, way down and that most immigrants don’t have $600k – 1.3 million to buy a home….just ask a realtor

By: Martin Turner Sat, 07 Jan 2023 23:51:17 +0000 In reply to Tom Wolfe.

And yes you are right. When you can fill sports events with 80000 plus people paying 3 00 to 500 a seat, 10 a beer ,and whatever for for their identification swag that they dress the whole family with, poor citizens….give me a break! Gents …. have this seen this cycle happen over and over. At prime at 19.99 % , guess what,….we survived! Surprisingly so did the country. Dont listen to these so called M B A s…they know from text books ….not reality from the past is their guide book.

By: Barney Sat, 07 Jan 2023 07:01:30 +0000 Today got my BC Assessment on my home here and it is up 21% over last year. Still see sold signs here I await my tax notice with fear and trembling. Been in this home since 1973 and not for spec, or greed just a roof over my head and neighborhood has grown up around me. Too old to move or start over. Never expected to make anything on it. Just a home.

By: Yoroshiku Sat, 07 Jan 2023 03:08:25 +0000 I’d love it if BetterDwelling would respond to these comments:

1) Immigration is strong enough to prevent prices from falling. (Common belief)
2) If Canadians don’t have the money for these homes, how would immigrants?
Immigration is looking like a pyramid scheme to uphold property prices. (I and others have this question too. Is every new immigrant a multi-millionaire?)

By: Jo Fri, 06 Jan 2023 17:45:51 +0000 At 38, I just learned about Bretton Woods last year! Why isn’t it taught in the public school system? I feel like the BW agreement it is hugely important to the current state of our world!

By: Jo Fri, 06 Jan 2023 17:43:55 +0000 In reply to Trader Jim.

At 38, I just learned about Bretton Woods last year! Why isn’t it taught in the public school system? I feel like the BW agreement it is hugely important to the current state of our world!

By: Anthony Fri, 06 Jan 2023 06:25:53 +0000 Been in real estate a long…long time and worked really hard maintaining and investing time and sweat. Buy in good locations, rent them out and forget about media and blah..blah..blah from so called experts. Let time take care of the rest. Bought a few properties for 200,000 and 300, 000’ each one of these properties are worth millions even today after the drop.

By: Go T Thu, 05 Jan 2023 19:48:00 +0000 With poor leadership by unprofessionals, here’s the result. Minister of finance without financial degree. Son of the father who created the mess with real estate collapse before. My only question: didn’t all theses politicians understand this crush was coming at least 10 years ago? What was done to stop it? Continue lowering interest rate to stimulate speculation? Let non-residents to by properties for cash to laundry money? Now, bring more people to this country to skyrocket poverty and homelessness!! Seems like that’s the goal.

By: Mike From IT Thu, 05 Jan 2023 18:27:37 +0000 In reply to Scott MacKinnon.

He spoke to our municipal IT team (I’m out West), and he’s a good guy. From the sounds of it he’ll have a much bigger impact in his new role across more cities, and we’re looking forward to working with him.

I don’t think he’s charismatic enough to win over the average person as a politician, but he comes across as trustworthy and generous one on one. I don’t think that can scale, but it can win over teams for leadership.
