Comments on: Canada’s Cheap Mortgage Credit Is Fueling Higher Real Estate Prices… Again Canada’s Fastest Growing Real Estate News Source Thu, 20 Apr 2023 22:00:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ash Thu, 20 Apr 2023 22:00:44 +0000 In reply to DC.

“Great that you finally understand this,” says man to Stephen, the person who has explained this in detail multiple times at government conferences since 2017, at the request of the government.

Mans explained it so often he’s now ignoring the gov requests.

By: Mike Wed, 19 Apr 2023 21:20:35 +0000 Why do you use debt and leverage interchangeably ?
I have a $100,000 left on my mortgage in Toronto.
My cousin has a $100,000 left on his mortgage in New Brunswick.
We both have the same amount of debt.
My house has a market value of $1.9 million, his has a market value of $500,000.
Do we have the same amount of leverage?

By: John frazer Wed, 19 Apr 2023 05:48:54 +0000 Prices are on a narrow edge, few sellers, few buyers. How long will this balancing act hold. A few more sellers or a rise in interest rate will upset the balance. US rates look like they are going up shortly, Canada will have to follow. There is a problem with the US dollar coming. Higher rates will be needed to stop its fall. If gold starts to move higher, its shows lack of confidence in the US dollar , higher rates will follow quickly.

By: AJ Tue, 18 Apr 2023 19:23:25 +0000 Articles like this and from Garth Turner have convinced me that Canada is currently not structured for someone like myself – spent a lot of time in school, spent time serving in the military, and now making an honest living at a salaried job with a pension. I just can’t see a path forward here, financially, anymore. Now shopping my resume outside the country and already getting some interest. Looking forward to the day I can leave.

By: DC Tue, 18 Apr 2023 18:50:34 +0000 Great that you are finally understanding this. I saw a lot of commentary on how investors were the cause, foreign buyers were the cause and that demand side regulation is needed. Also prices are not sustainable and there is going to be a crash. Prices have stabilized and are even rising even though there is a spec tax, a foreign buyer ban, record supply and increase interest rates. Why?

House demand will continue to increase due to a demographic household formation bulge (baby boomer echo) that is entering the family/home buying phase plus there is increased immigration. There is already pent up demand in the marketplace and it is growing. Demand side regulation isn’t going to reduce demand enough to affect prices.

So prices will continue to increase unless we increase supply and/or we reduce construction cost inflation. So increasing focus on how to increase supply or reduce construction costs inflation is your best path on keeping prices in check. It’s a waste of energy to focus on investors, foreign buyers, or reducing demand.

Cities seem to get it as they are trying hard to increase home ownership for the missing middle, increase the rental supply and increase affordable housing supply. Federal government doesn’t seem to get it as they focused on regulating foreign buyers which had the unintended effect of reducing some pre-sales which in turn reduces the feasibility of new condo housing supply. Australia was smarter about it and allowed foreign buyers to buy pre-sales to help spur development but limited purchases of existing housing stock.

Feds have also done very little on affordable or rental housing. Increased rental housing supply isn’t financially viable without assistance and while CMHC rental programs are facilitating increased rental supply, it isn’t enough to meet the increasing demand. If you want to address our housing dynamics this is where you can make a difference.

The next step is to understand that it is impossible to regulate real estate to the point that real estate prices are going to suddenly be affordable again.

By: Mortgage Guy Tue, 18 Apr 2023 17:26:14 +0000 Precision. Good stuff. Hope you’re throwing your hat in the ring for mayor soon. It becomes more evident that we need smart people in charge, even if the average person is too greedy to realize it.

By: Trader Jim Tue, 18 Apr 2023 17:19:08 +0000 In reply to Jimbo.

Keep in mind not that many houses are actually sold, and most of the new inventory is sold to a limited number of investors.

A professional couple hits $200k, but with Canada’s narrowing opportunities, it means the median can never buy a house. Even in small towns in newfoundland, it would be stretch for a median household. Hence, most of those homes are being bought by investors.

By: Kevin Logan Tue, 18 Apr 2023 17:16:26 +0000 Tiff, Trudeau, Pierre, Jagmeet, and Freeland are more worried about getting a discount on their refinancing than shelter stability.

By: Jimbo Tue, 18 Apr 2023 17:14:16 +0000 How many households make $200k though? It’s not realistic with a median income of $80k/year.
