Comments on: Should I Buy A House In 2017? A Data Driven Approach To Buying Canadian Real Estate Canada’s Fastest Growing Real Estate News Source Wed, 08 Nov 2017 19:00:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Julie Wed, 08 Nov 2017 19:00:21 +0000 In reply to Neo.

Then we will never be able to buy :(. Im about to have my first child and its so scary living in a expensive rental market (Vancouver) where your landlords kick you out for anything they can legally claim (so they can re-rent, increasing the price). Then, trying ot find a new place in this that will accept a young family and rent isup another 200$. Just feels so insecure and scary. On top of stagnant wages and massive student loans. Would love to buy, but even the 30,000$ we’ve scrapped together through no vacays, limiting what we eat and going out, etc. over 10 years isnt enough. I’m 32 and all I want is a home where my children (we’d like two, but it may not be possible) are safe and wont be kicked out. So, sometimes it does come down to what the bank tells you, even if you know its wrong financially. Cant even start on retirement. Im so scared for our future. People make it sound like people walk into being ‘house poor’ because theyre stupid. Sometimes its because we have so few other choices. Sometimes we just want the security of a place to call home, where our kids can grow without moving every year.

By: Ali Akhtar Tue, 04 Apr 2017 06:22:06 +0000 the 40 to 64 group is growing by 650k people. you are assuming that this group will not be selling or buying but these 650k additional people need to be accounted for. assuming that these are mostly going to be immigrants.

we also need to know how much housing exist today and how much would be available at that time.

also I would divide these numbers by two assuming that couple would be needing 1 unit.

By: Neo Sun, 02 Apr 2017 21:20:06 +0000 Looking at the graphs for average, HPI and median prices across the GTA is looks like Milton was the first to roll over March 2nd and the majority of the rest of the GTA started March 21st.

This could all be short lived but this is supposed to be the height of the Spring buying season now so we shouldn’t be seeing this. At the same time, prices went up way too fast from January to March so this may just be a breather. Either way, once prices start going parabolic like they have since 2016 things don’t usually end well. The interesting thing is prices in the GTA are tracking exactly like the Vancouver market that peaked last March and then drifted sideways to down for the rest of the year with a Foreign Buyer’s Tax putting the final nail in that coffin. It looks like the Provincial Government is going to implement the same policy along with some other speculation/flipper legislation.

By: Neo Sun, 02 Apr 2017 21:08:14 +0000 In reply to Stephen Punwasi.

That should be by what YOU can afford NOT what the bank tells you that you can afford.

By: Stephen Punwasi Sat, 01 Apr 2017 14:53:34 +0000 In reply to Jim.

Thanks Jim!

Always great to hear homeowners talk about the sacrifices they make in order to buy a home. I hear from people way too often that Boomers had it much easier to buy. In actuality, when you inflation adjust and factor in the sky-high mortgage rates, it really wasn’t that easy. It’s a sacrifice that people should understand before getting into it, instead of jumping in and figuring out afterwards.

Buy what you can afford, when it’s right for you, hold it long term. Compromise.

You can’t get more accurate and concise advice about ownership.

By: Jim Sat, 01 Apr 2017 14:20:31 +0000 Excellent post. As a dual homeowner, I can tell you the financial burden and maintainace stress can be overwhelming at times. Every house I’ve bought over the years was a painful financial stretch and caused me sleepless nights. Not to mention literally thousands of trips to Home Depot , Canada tire, etc. I’m 61 bought my first house in a semi rural location when I was 23. My friends thought I was wasting my social life and spending money. I took maybe 4 plane ride type vacations, in 30 years.
But I “sweat equitied” and traded up and traded up and mortgaged myself to the eyeballs. Mortgage rates in the early 80s were in the teens.
Then I sold, over the years to reduce debt and now own debt free in West Vancouver.
But I worked my ass off evenings and weekends, took too few vacations, and watched a few gut wrenching market declines come and go. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard:”this time is different”, when the real estate market was going up and when it was going down. It’s never different. Buy what you can afford, when it’s right for you, hold it long term. Compromise.

By: Mike Sat, 01 Apr 2017 13:53:57 +0000 In reply to Dave Calhoud.

Immigration could also bolster first time buyers, but that’s expecting a lot from a demographic of people that are going to arrive to our rapidly deteriorating job market.

By: Dave Calhoud Sat, 01 Apr 2017 13:52:20 +0000 I noticed he didn’t outright say it, but if you’re selling in a pool in a negative flow of buyers in 2041, your investment is going to tank. Unless millennials start having babies rapidly at 25…which is a pretty unrealistic scenario.
