Comments on: Bank of Canada Should Release The Inflation Index Data It’s Using: BMO Canada’s Fastest Growing Real Estate News Source Sun, 30 Oct 2022 15:17:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark Bayly Sat, 29 Oct 2022 02:45:15 +0000 Obviously lying about inflation once again. Who needs silly useless items like food and energy?

By: Gen Y Fri, 28 Oct 2022 23:56:51 +0000 In reply to richard.

You’re the few from your generation speaking up. The beef with young people vs seniors is that those who owned homes since the 80s are now millionaires on paper while wages are less than 10% of those gains in terms of home prices.

By: Jason Fri, 28 Oct 2022 23:36:47 +0000 It’s broken rates need to go much much higher to fix it

By: richard Fri, 28 Oct 2022 20:12:55 +0000 the boc and other central banks have been manipulating much of their data, but especially inflation for as long as i’ve been alive and i’m 71. in the 1970’s when trade unions were all getting cola clauses in their contracts and inflation was raging the central banks really screwed the working people of this country and i would argue many others by doing this. do any normal people in this country believe their numbers today or in the past. i have bought many essential things recently that have gone up more than 50%. do any canadians think that our inflation rate is substantially smaller than the US. especially when our dollar is in the toilet. the boc does not have your interests at heart.

By: Patrick Fri, 28 Oct 2022 17:11:42 +0000 I don’t see how “seasonally adjusting” the core inflation number would result in it being more than one percent lower than the non-SA core inflation number

By: Yoroshiku Fri, 28 Oct 2022 16:24:09 +0000 BOC is trying really, really hard not to pop the massive housing bubble, I’m guessing. Because that would surely cause a financial crisis.

By: Kate Fri, 28 Oct 2022 15:42:01 +0000 It is clear that they are hiding something from us as usual.
