Comments on: Bank of Canada Expected To Hike Rates Sooner Than Planned, May Cool Housing Canada’s Fastest Growing Real Estate News Source Thu, 22 Apr 2021 01:09:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chewy Thu, 22 Apr 2021 01:09:15 +0000 In reply to Chewy.

Looking to leave the west*

By: Chewy Thu, 22 Apr 2021 01:08:28 +0000 In reply to Ashley.

That’s because 2/3 of Canada’s mortgages are insured. The government doesn’t want that on their books.
For the banks, they don’t need to book impairments (I work closely to large FI and can see their books, that’s another conversation).
For borrowers, they dont need to pay mortgages.

Win win win situation. Except to those who have been financially responsible. Tbh, I’m looking to the West in general just because these governments act like socialists and give the populace drugs to get by the day. No wonder Asia is catching up.

By: Ashley Mon, 19 Apr 2021 19:56:17 +0000 The whole CEWB/CERB/CESB benefits were so poorly managed by govt. and most of these have resulted in being fraud. Companies like Yellow pages who had not paid a dividend for several years, claimed CEWS and paid dividends during pandemic. This is absolutely absurd and fraud. Reference:
Same thing with mortgage deferral it was stupid to just give a blanket deferral to everyone.

By: SH Mon, 19 Apr 2021 15:52:06 +0000 In reply to marie salmon.

Re: the multiple unit owners.

They were given deferrals on ALL of their mortgages if they requested. No questions asked. This policy was imposed on the banks by the government and CMHC. Investors requesting mortgage deferrals were not required to prove that their tenants were not paying rent.

The result is that these multiple unit owners, the vast majority of whom had tenants dutifully paying rent, pocketed the extra cash flow and put it towards a down payment on ANOTHER property.

By: Sam Mon, 19 Apr 2021 13:17:36 +0000 In reply to Neo.

For a lot of Canadians it’s fear of missing out on ever being able to buy a home…..hence the rush to buy now at exorbitant prices. Many have been waiting for some sort of rate hike and correction or softening, but came to the conclusion that the government, BOC will do everything in their power to stoke perpetual increasing prices. So they finally jumped in….and it sucks…..

I hate to be critical because I understand. In my opinion, anger should be directed at the BOC, and the Liberal Government (and I can’t stand social conservatives). Even real estate agents, speculators, money launderers and foreign investors shouldn’t be blamed….vultures will go wherever theirs roadkill. It’s the Liberals and BOC that left Canadians bleeding in the ditch to be preyed upon.

By: Axel McLion Sun, 18 Apr 2021 19:15:38 +0000 In reply to marie salmon.

The middle and lower income earners deserve to be screwed over for participating in the game of buying overpriced houses. They should have stayed in their parents’ basements or rallied in the streets. Now they will pay as their overpriced housing will lose value in real terms over the next 10-30 years.

By: Neo Sun, 18 Apr 2021 12:11:38 +0000 In reply to Investor.

Ya, 0.25% won’t do anything except begin to change sentiment. But FOMO is WAY to strong right now for 0.25% to matter. Rates would have to pop 100 basis points to accomplish anything. That’s not happening this year at all.

By: D.D Levitwitz Sun, 18 Apr 2021 03:29:56 +0000 In reply to Smug Canadians.

Yes, window guidance. The Japanese built their entire economy through this socialist measure but on productive industries like manufacturing, construction and anything under the sun Involving R&D. The US threatened Japan to kill their economy in 1985 because they were going to control everything. The BoJ and ministry of finance pivoted their window guidance to their housing market and we all saw where that went. Canada is doing the same except the government and central bank never bothered helping build the fundamentals of a proper economy like the Japanese. Canada is a sick country and doesn’t deserve to be one at that.

By: D.D Levitwitz Sun, 18 Apr 2021 03:25:00 +0000 In reply to Ian Brown.

1) that unexpected growth is totally fake as is the whole world economy since 2008
2) corporations are now doubling down on automation which will have a stagnate effect on growth, on the one hand Corpos will get rich from lower costs making the economy better for it, on the other hand many people won’t have a job which will negatively effect the economy
3) the bank of Canada and Canadian government has shamelessly since 2015 used window guidance measures to prop up the housing market via making it easier for rich people to invest and immigrate here, it’s surprising that they’re planning on hiking rates which will kill the market in the long run, it seems somethings a foot and that they can’t keep lowering rates because as I theorize Canada has no economy without housing and oil so they’d rather crash things now (too late) than in the future

By: marie salmon Sun, 18 Apr 2021 02:24:40 +0000 All this was an exercise to make more wealth for the wealthy and to screw the middle and lower income earners. If you had 5 – plus income properties, like many of our politicans, bankers, real estate agents, and wealthy people, you have just made a ton of money selling those properties and can just kick back and rest in your remaining homes. Not like the rest of us who only have 1 home or no home. It was literally the rich attacking the poor and grabing what they could. The higher interest rates will not affect the wealthy. It will again screw over the middle and lower income earners.
