Comments on: Canadian Building Permit Values Fell As Housing Demand Softens From Peak Canada’s Fastest Growing Real Estate News Source Sun, 15 May 2022 13:00:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dennis_K Tue, 10 May 2022 02:57:15 +0000 I’m not clear on how the ‘value’ of building permits would be determined, but if the chart in the article actually reflects the number of housing units (or number of ‘housed persons’ the permits can accommodate), there’s two things that any slowdown or decrease in permits tells me (provided these do not reflect any pre-build sales). They are:

a) the idea that we’re ‘behind’ in physical supply (in an overall sense, pan-nationally) is a myth — because if it were true, then building permit numbers would either be increasing or staying constant, in proportion to population growth (provided demand was rational – meaning, housing is being built only for resident citizens who need it); and

b) that developers / builders will never build excess housing to the extent that prices would decline. They control the amount and rate of supply. They have the power to throttle (down) supply if they so choose, by simply slowing down the rate of building. It is simply not in their interest to ever build more than what is ‘demanded’.

By: GTA Landlord Tue, 10 May 2022 01:25:43 +0000 and March is typically the peak for the year when it comes to demand. Definitely trending lower as home builders wait to see what happens.
